**DCVA may use photos obtained during our programs for news articles, website and other promotional items. If you prefer your child is not photographed please let us know.
DCVA Young Naturalist Program
Our educational nature immersion program is geared towards children from 5-10 years old with a focus on nature exploration, cultivating curiosity, and honing observational skills. We believe providing environmental learning opportunities will contribute to the next generation of environmentalists to carry on our mission for a cleaner future for our watershed, and our Earth!
Have a seat on a mossy log in our virtual forest library and click to explore our past programs:
Or find our past virtual programs on our Environmental Education page.
Aurora Dizel - Youth Education Coordinator
6 years for Creative Clubhouse LLC and Haverford Township Recreation's Tadpoles summer camp. She was a lead organizer of a nature-based homeschooling co-op based out of Ridley Creek State Park, developing weekly 4-hour educational nature immersion programs. |