Support DCVA's local conservation efforts this Earth Day!
We celebrate Earth Day to promote environmental awareness and to remind us that we can protect the earth in our everyday lives. In honor of Earth Day we're asking for your help to protect natural wildlife habitat and clean water in our local communities. From educational programming for youth and adults, community science water quality monitoring, to tree plantings, trash cleanups and rain garden installations, there is so much work to do and we can't do it without your support! This work depends on the contributions of members and donors who care about our mission as much as we do. Whether it's a one-time contribution or pledge of monthly giving, we believe that Earth Day is the perfect time to pledge your support for the health of the Darby Creek Watershed! As a special thank you in honor of Earth Day, we will send every donor between now and May 1st a packet of Pennsylvania Native Seed Mix that is approved by the Xerces Society. This mix includes high quality native perennial wildflowers that are highly attractive to pollinators, and little bluestem, a native bunch grass that provides nesting habitat for bumble bees and other beneficial insects!
Thank you for your generous support!