Rain date October 7, 2018
Sept 9, 2018
401 Swarthmore Ave.
Ridley Park, PA 19078
High tide is at 12:45 P.MRegistration: 12 P.M. - 12:45 P.M.
Mass start is at 1 P.M.
$20 Pre-Registration Fee/person
$25 Registration at event / Person
Please register and fill out the following forms; either email to suedcva@gmail.com or bring with you day of race.
2018 Darby Creek Fall Race Registration Form.pdf
2018 USCA Waiver Release form Interactive.pdf
Non Participants are encouraged to come out and cheer others on. A lunch will be held afterwards for participants . Non participants may join the luncheon for a small fee.
Race Map
Darby Creek Race Course starting at Ridley Marina- (1).jpg
Race Organizer: Sue Miller suedcva.org
**Bring your own Canoe or Kayak to participate.