Annual Meeting
March 2 , 2019
Time Program Agenda
8:45-8:50Call to Order, Pledge of Allegiance, Invocation, - Jaclyn Rhoads
8:50-9:00Welcome to CREC! – Tim Denny
9:00-9:25End-of-Year Summary & 2019 Annual Meeting Introduction – Jaclyn Rhoads
Presentations by Speakers
9:25-9:55Fred Stine, Citizen Action Coordinator; Delaware River Keeper Network
Title: “Being an Action Hero!”
9:55-10:25Madilyn Schwer, Outreach VISTA, Friends of Heinz Refuge
Title: “Protecting the Darby at the John Heinz National Wildlife Refuge”
10:25-10:55David Hilbert, Tree Programs Manager at CRC Watersheds Association
Title: “Potential to collaborate on a series of runoff-prevention plantings along our common boundary on the crest between the Crum and Darby watersheds”
10:55-11:25Chris Mendel, PLA, ASLA, Executive Director, Pennypack Ecological Restoration Trust
Title: “Relationship Building for Sustainable Planning”
11:25-12:00DCVA Blasts
Stream Cleanup & East Coast Greenway - David Bennett
Stream Watch Program - Alan Samel
Canoe Ramble - Jaclyn Rhoads
TAG – Jaclyn Rhoads/Derron LaBrake
Whetstone Run – Derron LaBrake
Citizen Science Reporting – Susan Miller
Trail Coalition Update – Scott Maits
12:00 – 1:00Light Lunch and Poster Session. Wander through Darby Creek history with William Penn! Network with members/guests, eat lunch, visit poster displays. (Light lunch prepared by Toni McIntosh)