Annual Delaware County Environmental Summit :
A New Campaign for Cleaning up Our Waterways
Sponsored by DCVA and Friends of Heinz Refuge
May 4, 2019 9:30-12:30
John Heinz Wildlife Refuge
This is a free event-please register .
Please help us keep events like this free. Donations are appreciated but not required.
Keynote Speaker - Sandra Meola, Director for Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed
"Addressing Plastics in the Watershed"
Additional speakers to talk about new initiatives
Discussion with partners in attendance about creating a new campaign that will include stronger municipal ordinances,
Higher fines for illegal dumping, and reducing plastics in our waste stream.
Saturday, May 4th
930 AM to 1230PM
Light refreshments and BYO mug
930 - 945 AM - Welcome by Jaclyn Rhoads, President of DCVA and Friends of Heinz Refuge
945 - 1015AM - Sandra Meola, Director for the Coalition for the Delaware River Watershed -"Plastics Workgroup"
1015 - 1045AM - Delaware River Basin Commission - New Studies to Evaluate Plastics in the Delaware River
1045 - 1145AM - Round Table Discussion about a New Watershed Wide Campaign to Clean up Our Waterways
1145AM - Adjourn for food and networking