DCVA 18th Annual Stream Watch
Saturday, April 9th, 2022
Lunch will be provided
Come help us sample the macroinvertebrates in the creek! Stay for the whole time or show up at anytime. This is a great opportunity for you to get in the creek, take samples, work with the samplers, and see what is living in Darby Creek. We take samples from sixlocations on Darby Creek: Bartram Park in Darby, the Swedish Cabin in Upper Darby, Darby Creek Road in Haverford (downstream from the Haverford Reserve), Skunk Hollow in Radnor, the Brandywine Preserve at Waterloo Mills in Easttown, and the pump house next to the bridge on Newtown Road Berwyn.
Click here for directions and approximate times for all the sample locations.
This is a wonderful way to meet others and learn more about Darby Creek!