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Transitioning Delco from Incineration and Environmental Racisms to Zero Waste
Tuesday, May 21, 2024
7:00 PM
Virtual (Zoom)
Transitioning Delco from Incineration and Environmental Racisms to Zero Waste
Delaware County still sends most of its trash to be burned in the nation's largest waste incinerator, the Covanta plant in Chester, which is a top air polluter in the Philadelphia region and a textbook case of environmental racism.
Delaware County's Zero Waste Plan includes an analysis that documents how incineration (and landfilling toxic ash) is far more harmful for climate, health, and our environment than sending trash directly to the county's landfill, and that implementing the Zero Waste Plan will have even greater benefits.
Learn what you can do to get the county and our municipalities to implement the Delco Zero Waste Plan, ending incineration and reducing waste.
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