Stream Watch: Insect Identification Workshop

  • Saturday, January 11, 2025
  • 9:00 AM - 12:00 PM
  • 9000 Parkview Drive, Haverford, PA 19041

Stream Watch: Insect Identification Workshop 

Saturday, January 11th, 9:00am - 3:00pm
Haverford CREC - 9000 Park View Rd. Haverford,  PA

We welcome volunteers who wish to learn the stream side and the laboratory techniques! 

The DCVA Stream Watch is a yearly study of water quality in the Darby Creek watershed. While it is possible to measure water quality and water pollution, the animals in the creeks have much to tell us about water quality – they spend their entire lives in the creek. Each year in early spring our Stream Watch program collects macroinvertebrates (animals without backbones that are macro, i.e. large enough to see with the naked eye) at a variety of locations throughout the watershed. These organisms can be pollution tolerant, pollution sensitive, or facultative - meaning they can live in healthy or in impaired (polluted) environments. The insects and bugs we collected provide a snapshot of the health of Darby Creek and we can identify the level of water quality for that section of the creek by identifying and counting the number of bugs collected at each site.
While it would be great if you could be there the entire day, it is a Saturday and there are things to do!  So, anytime you can make it is great. A light lunch will be provided, so please let us know if you will be there for lunch so we can place an accurate order for food. 

This event is free; donations are very appreciated to support the work we do, but not are required.

Register Here!

Darby Creek Valley Association P.O. Box 732 Drexel Hill, PA 19026   |   Phone: 484.222.2502
Jaclyn Rhoads, President –

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