Lunch with Kate - The Fish of Darby Creek

  • Monday, June 22, 2020
  • 12:00 PM
  • webinar

Lunch With Kate- The Fish of Darby Creek 

June 22nd

12:00- 1:00

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Dr. Goddard-Doms will discuss fish throughout the watershed, from the top to the bottom. The fish at the top of the watershed are strictly freshwater, there are also diadromous and catadromous fish, and at least one species more commonly found in salt marshes at the mouth of Darby Creek. Dr. Goddard Doms will discuss some interesting aspects about the aquatic inhabitants of the Darby Creek 

Kate Goddard-Doms earned her B.A. degree at Gettysburg College and a master’s degree at Bucknell University. Her undergraduate and masters research was on freshwater plankton ecology of ponds and marshes. She earned her PhD at the University of Connecticut.Dr. Goddard-Doms is currently studying whether pollution has led to the evolution of pollution resistance in the salt marsh minnow Fundulus heteroclitus in southeastern Delaware Co, PA streams near the Philadelphia International Airport.

Darby Creek Valley Association P.O. Box 732 Drexel Hill, PA 19026   |   Phone: 484.222.2502
Jaclyn Rhoads, President –

All rights reserved 2015